Under Pronation

Underpronation is when your foot does not roll inward enough when walking, this can cause pressure and strain on your feet and in some cases cause injuries to develop including plantar fasciitis. To better protect and stop your feet from becoming injured if you suffer from underpronation it is advised to wear orthotic insoles that will support your feet in the correct position when you walk and prevent damage to the ligaments and tendons found in your feet. Here at Footrevivier we have a range of insoles that will do just that! All of our insoles come with a full 30 day money back guarantee ensuring you have nothing to lose if they fail to help your underpronation and foot pain.

  • These insoles absorb shock and massage your feet to ease foot pain

    Massaging gel insoles

    • 1x pair of shock absorbing gel insoles that will protect your heel and Achilles from further damage enabling you to make a quick and full recovery
    • Prevents excessive load being placed on your arches and heel helping to treat and prevent plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendinitis
    • Silicone gel will adapt and shape to the exact shape of your feet using orthotic compression to correct balance and foot function
    • Made from high quality medical grade silicone gel for the best support and shock absorption
    • Excellent shock absorption makes these insoles idea protecting your feet and lower legs from shock related injuries
    • Heel cup and pad provides your Achilles with more stability and prevents twisting and straining
    • A great choice for people who suffer from general foot and lower leg aches and pain

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